Author Archives: Hampton

Harvesting and Preserving Herbs: Tips from Hampton Nursery

As October drapes our gardens in its radiant amber tapestry, the invitation to collect and savor the aromatic jewels that have enlivened our meals and scented our spaces throughout the sunlit days becomes irresistible. To keep these verdant treasures vibrant through the frosty months, mastering the delicate dance of precise harvesting and diligent preservation is […]

Hampton Nursery Presents: Top-Performing Fall Perennials for Long Island Gardens

As autumn unfurls its tapestry of color on Long Island, gardens can experience a mesmerizing transformation. This is largely due to carefully chosen perennials that peak during these cooler months. Hampton Nursery is proud to spotlight the elite of fall perennials apt for Long Island gardens, including captivating flowers, ornamental grasses, and the ever-appealing heucheras. […]

Lawn Revitalization: Lime and Seed with Expert Guidance from Hampton Nursery

As the seasons unveil their vibrant colors, homeowners on Long Island have a golden opportunity to rejuvenate their lawns. Enter Hampton Nursery, your trusted partner in cultivating a thriving lawn. This comprehensive guide delves into the essential practices of liming and seeding, tailored to elevate your outdoor space. With the added benefit of professional lawn […]

Seeds of Inspiration: Sparking Children’s Interest in Gardening this August

In the age of screens and mobile devices, reconnecting children with the natural world is more essential than ever. Gardening provides a refreshing alternative, offering a combination of education, physical activity, creativity, and an opportunity to bond with nature. As we step into August, this article highlights exciting gardening activities that you and your children […]

August Gardening Tips from Hampton Nursery: Embrace the Abundance of Your Summer Garden

As August graces us with its presence, your garden is likely flourishing with vibrant colors and lush greenery. Hampton Nursery is thrilled to provide you with valuable tips to make the most of this delightful month. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a beginner, here are some suggestions for each category in your garden: 1. […]

Bringing the Outdoors In: A Handy Guide from Hampton Nursery for Your Houseplants

As the seasons change and summer’s warmth gives way to autumn’s crispness, it’s time to welcome your outdoor houseplants back inside. The transition might seem like a challenge, but with this helpful guide from us, your plant-loving friends at Hampton Nursery, it can be a breeze. First things first, thoroughly inspect your plants for any […]

Instant Beauty: Choosing and Caring for Pre-Made Hanging Baskets for Your Patio Party

Every Hampton’s garden party or outdoor gathering needs the backdrop of a lush, vibrant garden. As the summer sun sets, leaving a warm twilight glow, there’s no sight more enchanting than a riot of blooming plants flourishing in decorative containers. Here at Hampton Nursery, we believe in the magic of color and the charm of […]