Fall Garden Cleanup Checklist for Hampton Nursery

  1. Leaf Removal:
    • Given the assortment of deciduous trees, a considerable leaf fall is anticipated. Gather and compost these leaves, being sure to separate those from diseased plants.
  2. Perennials:
    • Once the chill of the first frost is felt, cut back dead foliage to minimize pest attraction.
    • Divide and reposition perennials that appear too expansive or less lively.
    • Utilize markers to identify the spots of perennials, aiding in streamlined spring gardening.
  3. Annuals:
    • After their encounter with frost, uproot and compost the remains of healthy annuals.
  4. Lawn Care:
    • Continue with mowing routines until the lawn hints at entering its dormant stage.
    • Employ a fall-centric fertilizer to boost the grassroots.
    • If areas of the lawn seem compacted, aerating might be beneficial.
  5. Trees & Shrubs:
    • Prune away any dead or fragile branches, saving the intensive pruning tasks for the latter part of winter.
    • Ensure that younger or recently transplanted trees and shrubs are adequately watered until the soil hardens from frost.
  6. Bulbs:
    • Autumn is the prime season to embed bulbs destined to bloom in spring.
    • Post the initial frost, remove and store bulbs that are not winter-resilient.
  7. Vegetable Garden:
    • Pluck any lingering vegetables before the heavy frosts set in.
    • Clean up plant remnants to prevent potential pests and diseases.
    • This time is ripe for planting garlic, ensuring a bounteous summer yield.
  8. Garden Tools & Equipment:
    • Clean, sharpen, and securely store all gardening tools.
    • Conduct end-of-season maintenance on power equipment, ensuring its operational readiness for the seasons ahead.
  9. Compost:
    • Stir and layer the compost pile, integrating the season’s shed leaves.
  10. Mulching:
    • Towards the colder end of fall, layer perennial beds with insulating mulch, such as straw or fragmented leaves, offering protection against inconsistent freeze-thaw cycles.
  11. Garden Structures:
    • Examine and fortify structures like raised beds, trellises, and fences, prepping them for the winter onslaught.
  12. Water Features:
    • Deactivate and store away water pumps, and take measures to shield water features from freezing conditions.
  13. Protection:
    • Employ materials like burlap to cover young or sensitive trees and shrubs, bolstering their defense against winter adversities.
  14. Planning for Next Year:
    • Contemplate the year’s gardening journey, recognizing triumphs and pinpointing areas for enhancement. Kickstart preparations for the impending spring.

Always ensure to utilize the wealth of expertise available at Hampton Nursery when devising your garden tasks for the upcoming season.