Fall Lawn Maintenance

Not only is Autumn one of the most beautiful seasons, it is also the ideal time to prepare your garden for the colder months ahead. It is important to clean up debris and replenish lost nutrients to your plants, and preparation for next year can begin now. Follow these great tips to get your garden in tip-top shape this Fall season!

Professional landscapers know this is the best time to aerate & re-seed lawns.
If you haven’t already signed up for this service, please call us at 631-728-1160 to get on the schedule. If you prefer to do it yourself: check out our line of Long island grown ‘Delalio’ grass seed. For best results, we recommend a seed starting fertilizer.

Treat Grubs Now
Apply grub control in the fall, not next summer after they’ve eaten your grass roots. Our garden center has a full line of fertilizer & pest control products.

Shady Nooks Grass Seed Mixture

Picture-10-300x224Do you have trouble growing grass in a heavily shaded area? ‘Shady Nooks’ grass seed is specially formulated to grow in dense shade. It’s even good under extreme tree shade and wet, damp areas.



Soil Test. Take soil test from your gardens beds and yard. Fall is a great time to correct ph problems and add any additional fertilizer that is needed.

Prepare for next year. Fall is the best time to prepare new gardens and renovate old ones. Add new
garden soil and incorporate plenty of organic matter to your planting beds so they will be ready for next spring planting.

Make notes for next year. While it is still fresh in your mind make notes of what did well and what you
might want to do different next year. You may also want to map out your gardens so you know where
things are. All the great ideas you have for next year could be forgotten by next spring!

Divide overgrown perennial. Many perennials need divided every few years to rejuvenate them.
September is a good time to divide and to move perennials. Keep them well watered so they can
establish themselves before winter.

Cut back perennials. After a freeze ends the growing season, debris from perennials and annuals can be
removed. This will remove hiding places for insects and disease. Some perennial such as coneflowers
can be left to feed birds and for winter interest.

Fertilize perennials and shrubs. When the weather has cooled enough to prevent any new above
ground growth (around the first of October) perennials and shrubs should be fertilized using a good, organic fertilizer.